View Full Version : pool chlorinator cell help

09-12-2012, 11:50 AM
guys i would like to check my chlorinator cell what voltage should it be at the + AND - terminals on the face plate ? when its running at 100% I have a reading of 6.25 V and the cable is warm
its a AUTO CHLOR AC 25T with 146 mm 7 plate cell on 40.000 lt pool

it just doesent get very much corrosion on the plates any more ? could that be just a lack of salt as i have cut the RAW salt in put to a bag a month
haven't had to clean the cell for 12 months before it was every month ? or is the sell tired ?

09-12-2012, 04:29 PM
could that be just a lack of salt as i have cut the RAW salt in

Correct right there!

here is the Tech guide for you... http://www.chlorking.com/documents/ChlorKing%20Complete%20Tech%20Guide%20for%20Dealer s%20-%20Chlor%201.5%20thru%2015%20and%20Chlor%2025.pdf

14-12-2012, 11:01 AM
Do you get your chemicals checked at a pool shop once or twice a month, they should tell you if or not you need salt.

Alternatively take your cell down there and have them check it out electronically. but look out for them trying to sell
you a new OVERPRICED replacement. Online Direct Pool supplies has most model pool cells ;)

14-12-2012, 11:27 AM
Checking the salt level is correct is the 1st step

14-12-2012, 11:59 AM
yes i get the chems check every now and again when it starts to get cloudy WE don't swim in it any more now the kids have left home so don't spend any more then nescery on it BIG HOLE IN THE GROUND to pore $$$$$ in to

put 4 bags of salt in on monday so ill get it checked again next monday

14-12-2012, 12:14 PM
Most pool shops are able to test salt cells in store